Gender-Specific Homophily on Instagram and Implications on Information Spread
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Arne Seelisch.
Nature Scientific Reports (SREP), 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
A Centrality Analysis of the Lightning Network
Philipp Zabka, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Christian Decker, and Stefan Schmid.
Telecommunications Policy (JTPO), Elsevier,
Special issue: Economic, social and political impact of blockchain. 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Broomrocket: Open Source Text-to-3D Algorithm for 3D Object Placement
Sanja Bonic, Janos Bonic, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Games: Research and Practice (GAMES), 2024.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Weighted Packet Selection for Rechargeable Links in Cryptocurrency Networks: Complexity and Approximation
Stefan Schmid, Jakub Svoboda, and Michelle Yeo.
Journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Elsevier, 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Time Complexity of Consensus Under Oblivious Message Adversaries
Hugo Rincon Galeana, Ami Paz, Stefan Schmid, Ulrich Schmid, and Kyrill Winkler.
Algorithmica (ALGO), 2024.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
AI-RAN in 6G Networks State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Naveed Ali Kaim Khani and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Improved Throughput for All-or-Nothing Multicommodity Flows with Arbitrary Demands
Anya Chaturvedi, Chandra Chekuri, Andrea Richa, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Jamison Weber.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Tokenizing Assets with Dividend Payouts - a Legally Compliant and Flexible Design
Efim Zhitomirskiy, Stefan Schmid, and Martin Walther.
Digital Finance, Springer, 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Resource Management for Programmable Metasurfaces: Concept, Prospects and Challenges
Christos Liaskos, Kostas Katsalis, Joan Triay, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG), 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
AllSynth: A BDD-Based Approach for Network Update Synthesis
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Anders Mariegaard, Stefan Schmid, and Jiri Srba.
Science of Computer Programming (SCICO),
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Robust Routing Made Easy:
Reinforcing Networks Against Non-Benign Faults
Christoph Lenzen, Moti Medina, Mehrdad Saberi, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Runtime Verification for Programmable Switches
Apoorv Shukla, Kevin Hudemann, Zsolt Vagi, Lily Hügerich, Georgios Smaragdakis, Artur Hecker, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
XR-RF Imaging Enabled by Software-Defined Metasurfaces and Machine Learning: Foundational Vision, Technologies and Challenges
C. Liaskos, A. Tsioliaridou, K. Georgopoulos, G. Morianos, S. Ioannidis, I. Salem, D. Manessis, S. Schmid, D. Tyrovolas, S. A. Tegos, P.-V. Mekikis, P. D. Diamantoulakis, A. Pitilakis, N. Kantartzis, G. K. Karagiannidis, A. Tasolamprou, O. Tsilipakos, M. Kafesaki, I.F. Akyildiz, A. Pitsillides, M. Pateraki, M. Vakalellis, and I. Spais.
IEEE Access,
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Self-Adjusting Grid Networks
Chen Avin, Ingo van Duijn, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
Elsevier Information and Computation,
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Performance Analysis of Machine Learning Centered Workload Prediction Models for Cloud
Deepika Saxena, Jitendra Kumar, Ashutosh Kumar Singh, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS),
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Load-Optimization in Reconfigurable Networks:
Algorithms and Complexity of Flow Routing
Wenkai Dai, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, David Fuchssteiner, and Stefan Schmid.
Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems (TOMPECS),
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
P4RROT: Generating P4 Code for the Application Layer
Csaba Györgyi, Sandor Laki, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Cerberus: The Power of Choices in Datacenter Topology Design (A Throughput Perspective)
Chen Griner, Johannes Zerwas, Andreas Blenk, Manya Ghobadi, Stefan Schmid, and Chen Avin.
Proc. of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Push-Down Trees: Optimal Self-Adjusting Complete Trees
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Demand-Aware Network Design with Minimal Congestion and Route Lengths
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Die technologischen Ansätze und Herausforderungen des Web3 und Metaverse
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet and Stefan Schmid.
Telemedicus – Recht der Informationsgesellschaft, Tagungsband zur Sommerkonferenz, Deutscher Fachverlag, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Software-Defined Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: From Theory to End-to-End Implementation (Invited Paper)
Christos Liaskos, Lefteris Mamatas, Arash Pourdamghani, Atsioli Tsioliaridou, Sotiris Ioannidis, Andreas Pitsillides, Stefan Schmid, and Ian F. Akyildiz.
Proceedings of the IEEE (PIEEE), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Local Fast Rerouting with Low Congestion: A Randomized Approach
Gregor Bankhamer, Robert Elsässer, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
CBNet: Demand-Aware Tree Topologies for Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Otavio Augusto de Oliveira Souza, Olga Goussevskaia, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal Computer Networks (COMNET), Elsevier, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
CacheNet: Leveraging the Principle of Locality in Reconfigurable Network Design
Chen Griner, Chen Avin, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal Computer Networks (COMNET), Elsevier, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Renaissance: A Self-Stabilizing Distributed SDN Control Plane using In-band Communications
Marco Canini, Iosif Salem, Liron Schiff, Elad Michael Schiller, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal of Computer and System Sciences (JCSS), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Empirical Evaluation of Nodes and Channels of the Lightning Network
Philipp Zabka, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Christian Decker.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), Elsevier, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Optimizing Multicast Flows in High-Bandwidth Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Long Luo, Klaus-Tycho Foerster,
Stefan Schmid, and Hongfang Yu.
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Automata Theoretic Approach to Verification of MPLS Networks under Link Failures
Peter Gjøl Jensen, Jesper Stenbjerg Jensen, Troels Beck Krogh, Jonas Sand Madsen, Stefan Schmid, Jiri Srba, Marc Tom Thorgersen, and Ingo van Duijn.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Inferring Sensitive Information in Cryptocurrency Off-chain Networks using Probing and Timing Attacks
Utz Nisslmueller, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Christian Decker.
Information Systems Security and Privacy, Communications in Computer and Information Science
(CCIS) series, Springer, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Benefits of Joint Optimization of Reconfigurable CDN-ISP Infrastructure
Johannes Zerwas, Ingmar Poese, Stefan Schmid, and Andreas Blenk.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Improved Scalability of Demand-Aware Datacenter Topologies With Minimal Route Lengths and Congestion
Maciej Pacut, Wenkai Dai, Alexandre Labbe, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
Performance Evaluation (PEVA), Elsevier, 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Distributed Self-Adjusting Tree Networks
Bruna Peres, Otavio Augusto de Oliveira Souza, Olga Goussevskaia, Chen Avin, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing (TCC), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Implications of Routing Models on Network Optimization
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Preacher: Network Policy Checker for Adversarial Environments
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
A Survey of Reconfigurable Optical Networks
Matthew Nance Hall, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Ramakrishnan Durairajan.
Optical Switching and Networking (OSN), Elsevier, 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
The Programmable Data Plane: Abstractions, Architectures,
Algorithms, and Applications
Oliver Michel, Roberto Bifulco, Gabor Retvari, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Fast ReRoute on Programmable Switches
Marco Chiesa, Roshan Sedar, Gianni Antichi, Michael Borokhovich, Andrzej Kamisinski, Georgios Nikolaidis, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Survey on Blockchain Networking: Context, State-of-the-Art, Challenges
Maya Dotan, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, Saar Tochner, and Aviv Zohar.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
A Survey of Fast-Recovery Mechanisms in Packet-Switched Networks
Marco Chiesa, Andrzej Kamisinski, Jacek Rak, Gabor Retvari, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST), 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Demand-Aware Network Designs of Bounded Degree
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Incentivizing Stable Path Selection in Future Internet Architectures
Simon Scherrer, Markus Legner, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
Performance Evaluation (PEVA), Volume 144, Elsevier, 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Improved Fast Rerouting Using Postprocessing
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Andrzej Kamisinski, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC),
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Complexity of Traffic Traces and Implications
Chen Avin, Manya Ghobadi, Chen Griner, and Stefan Schmid.
Proc. of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
Efficient Non-Segregated Routing for Reconfigurable Demand-Aware Networks
Thomas Fenz, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Anaïs Villedieu.
Journal Computer Communications (COMCOM),
Elsevier, 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Breeding Unicorns: Developing Trustworthy and Scalable Randomness Beacons
Samvid Dharanikota, Michael Toft Jensen, Sebastian Rom Kristensen,
Mathias Sass Michno, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Rene Rydhof Hansen,
and Stefan Schmid.
PLOS ONE (PONE), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Walking Through Waypoints
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
Algorithmica (ALGO), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Inter-Datacenter Bulk Transfers:
Trends and Challenges
Long Luo, Hongfang Yu, Klaus-Tycho Foerster,
Max Noormohammadpour, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Network Magazine, 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Area Convergence of Monoculus Robots with Additional Capabilities
Debasish Pattanayak, Kaushik Mondal, Partha Sarathi Mandal, and Stefan Schmid.
The Computer Journal (COMPJ), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
On the Hardness and Inapproximability of Virtual Network Embeddings
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
SplitCast: Optimizing Multicast Flows in Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Long Luo, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Hongfang Yu.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
RoSCo: Robust Updates for Software-Defined Networks
James Lembke, Srivatsan Ravi, Patrick Eugster, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
P4CONSIST: Towards Consistent P4 SDNs
Apoorv Shukla, Seifeddine Fathalli, Thomas Zinner, Artur Hecker, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Robust Updates for Software-Defined Networks
James Lembke, Srivatsan Ravi, Patrick Eugster, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
P4CONSIST: Towards Consistent P4 SDNs
Apoorv Shukla, Seifeddine Fathalli, Thomas Zinner, Artur Hecker, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Survey on Algorithms for Self-Stabilizing Overlay Networks
Michael Feldmann, Christian Scheideler, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Towards Consistent SDNs: A Case for Network State Fuzzing
Apoorv Shukla, Said Jawad Saidi, Stefan Schmid, Marco Canini, Thomas Zinner, and Anja Feldmann.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM),
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
AirNet: Energy-Aware Deployment and Scheduling of Aerial Networks
Elif Bozkaya, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Berk Canberk.
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT),
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Virtual Network Embedding Approximations: Leveraging Randomized Rounding
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Efficient Distributed Workload (Re-)Embedding
Monika Henzinger, Stefan Neumann, and Stefan Schmid.
Proc. of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), Vol. 3, No. 1, Article 13, March 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
ISMAEL: Using Machine Learning To Predict Acceptance of Virtual Clusters in Data Centers
Johannes Zerwas, Patrick Kalmbach, Stefan Schmid, and Andreas Blenk.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM),
Special Issue on Latest Developments for the Management of Softwarized Networks, 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Survey of Reconfigurable Data Center Networks: Enablers, Algorithms, Complexity
Klaus-Tycho Foerster and Stefan Schmid.
SIGACT News, June 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Complexity of Non-Segregated
Routing in Reconfigurable Data Center Architectures
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Distributed Dominating Set Approximations beyond Planar Graphs
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Stefan Schmid, and Sebastian Siebertz.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Dynamic Balanced Graph Partitioning
Chen Avin, Marcin Bienkowski, Andreas Loukas, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
SIAM J. Discrete Math (SIDMA), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Adaptable and Data-Driven Softwarized
Networks: Review, Opportunities, and Challenges
Wolfgang Kellerer, Patrick Kalmbach, Andreas Blenk, Arsany Basta,
Martin Reisslein, and Stefan Schmid.
Proceedings of the IEEE (PIEEE), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Congestion-Free Rerouting of Multiple Flows in Timed SDNs
Jiaqi Zheng, Bo Li, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, Guihai Chen, Jie Wu, and Rui Li.
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Network Softwarization & Enablers
(JSAC), 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Parametrized Complexity of Virtual Network Embeddings:
Dynamic & Linear Programming Approximations
Matthias Rost, Elias Döhne, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), January 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Toward Demand-Aware Networking:
A Theory for Self-Adjusting Networks (Editorial)
Chen Avin and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), October 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Survey of Consistent Software-Defined Network Updates
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Stefano Vissicchio.
IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (COMST), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Scalability Issues and Solutions for Software Defined Networks (Editorial)
Oliver Hohlfeld, James Kempf, Martin Reisslein, Stefan Schmid, and Nadir Shah.
IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Scalability Issues and Solutions for Software Defined Networks (JSAC),
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Approximate and Incremental Network Function Placement
Tamas Lukovszki, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Elsevier,
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Competitive Clustering of Stochastic Communication Patterns on a Ring
Chen Avin, Louis Cohen, Mahmoud Parham, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal of Computing, Springer, 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Transiently Policy-Compliant Network Updates
Arne Ludwig, Szymon Dudycz, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Load-Optimal Local Fast Rerouting for Dense Networks
Michael Borokhovich, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Gilles Tredan, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Efficient Loop-Free Rerouting of Multiple SDN Flows
Arsany Basta, Andreas Blenk, Szymon Dudycz, Arne Ludwig, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Online Aggregation of the Forwarding Information Base: Accounting
for Locality and Churn
Marcin Bienkowski, Nadi Sarrar, Stefan Schmid, and Steve Uhlig.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Kraken: Online and Elastic Resource Reservations for Cloud Datacenters
Carlo Fuerst, Stefan Schmid, Lalith Suresh, and Paolo Costa.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Loop-Free Route Updates for Software-Defined Networks
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Arne Ludwig, Jan Marcinkowski, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Charting the Algorithmic Complexity of Waypoint Routing
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Riko Jacob, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Local Fast Failover Routing With Low Stretch
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
rDAN: Toward Robust Demand-Aware Network Designs
Chen Avin, Alexandr Hercules, Andreas Loukas, and Stefan Schmid.
Information Processing Letters (IPL), Elsevier, 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
The Show Must Go On: Fundamental Data Plane
Connectivity Services for Dependable SDNs
Michael Borokhovich, Clement Rault, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
Computer Communications (COMCOM), Elsevier, 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Tomographic Node Placement Strategies and the Impact of the
Routing Model
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Proc. of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), Vol. 1, No. 2, Article 42, December 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Scheduling Congestion- and Loop-free Network Update in Timed SDNs
Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Stefan Schmid, Haipeng Dai, and Jie Wu.
IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Emerging Technologies in Software-Driven Communication (JSAC),
Volume 35, Issue 11, 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Large Cuts with Local Algorithms on Triangle-Free Graphs
Juho Hirvonen, Joel Rybicki, Stefan Schmid, and Jukka Suomela.
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (E-JC), 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Unified Programmability of Virtualized Network Functions and Software-Defined Wireless Networks
Julius Schulz-Zander, Carlos Mayer, Bogdan Ciobotaru, Raphael Lisicki, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM), 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Sade: Competitive MAC under Adversarial SINR
Adrian Ogierman, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin Zhang.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Data Locality and Replica Aware Virtual Cluster Embeddings
Carlo Fuerst, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Elsevier, 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
The Many Faces of Graph Dynamics
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Matthieu Roy, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (JSTAT), 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Toward a Taxonomy and Attacker Model for Secure Routing Protocols (Editorial)
Matthias Hollick, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), January 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Upper and Lower Bounds for Deterministic Broadcast in Powerline Communication Networks
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, 29(4), 239-250, 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
SplayNet: Towards Locally Self-Adjusting Networks
Stefan Schmid, Chen Avin, Christian Scheideler, Michael Borokhovich, Bernhard Haeupler, and Zvi Lotker.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Volume 24, Issue 3, 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
It's a Match! Near-Optimal and Incremental Middlebox Deployment
Tamas Lukovszki, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), January 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
In-Band Synchronization for Distributed SDN Control Planes
Liron Schiff, Petr Kuznetsov, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), January 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Network Service Chaining with Optimized
Network Function Embedding Supporting Service Decompositions
Sahel Sahhaf, Wouter Tavernier, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, Didier
Colle, Mario Pickavet, and Piet Demeester.
Journal Computer Networks (COMNET), Elsevier, Volume 93, 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Distributed Alarming in the On-Duty and Off-Duty Models
Marcin Bienkowski, Leszek Gasieniec, Marek Klonowski,
Miroslaw Korzeniowski, Bernard Mans, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Beyond the Stars: Revisiting Virtual Cluster Embeddings
Matthias Rost, Carlo Fuerst, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), July 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Distributed Cloud Computing: Applications, Status Quo, and Challenges (Editorial)
Yvonne Coady, Oliver Hohlfeld, James Kempf, Rick McGeer, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), April 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Adversarial Topology Discovery in Network Virtualization
Environments: A Threat for ISPs?
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, Volume 28, Issue 2, pp 91-109, 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
SKIP+: A Self-Stabilizing Skip Graph
Riko Jacob, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan
Schmid, and Hanjo Täubig.
Journal of the ACM
(JACM), Volume 61, Number 6, Article 36, November 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Panopticon: Incremental Deployment of Software-Defined Networking (Invited Paper)
Marco Canini, Anja Feldmann, Dan Levin, Fabian Schaffert, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Computer, Volume 47, Issue 11, November Issue 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
On the Windfall and Price of Friendship:
Inoculation Strategies on Social Networks
Dominic Meier, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
Journal Computer Networks (COMNET), Elsevier, 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
A Note on the Parallel Runtime of Self-Stabilizing Graph Linearization
Dominik Gall, Riko Jacob, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Hanjo Täubig.
Journal Theory of Computing Systems (TOCS), Springer, Volume 55, Issue 1, pp 110-135, 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Principles of Robust Medium Access and an Application to Leader Election
Baruch Awerbuch, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin Zhang.
ACM Transactions on Algorithms (TALG), Volume 10, Issue 4, 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
The Wide-Area Virtual Service Migration Problem: A Competitive Analysis Approach
Marcin Bienkowski, Anja Feldmann, Johannes Grassler, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Misleading Stars: What Cannot Be Measured in the Internet?
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 209-222, August 2013.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive and Deterministic Embeddings of Virtual Networks
Guy Even, Moti Medina, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Elsevier, 2013.
Documents: paper pdf link, bibtex bib
An Efficient and Fair MAC Protocol
Robust to Reactive Interference
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON), Volume 21, Issue 3, 2013.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive Throughput in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
Despite Adaptive Jamming
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin Zhang.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, Volume 26, Issue 3, pp 159-171, 2013.
Documents: paper pdf link, bibtex bib
Towards Higher-Dimensional Topological Self-Stabilization: A Distributed Algorithm for Delaunay Graphs
Riko Jacob, Stephan Ritscher, Christian Scheideler, and Stefan Schmid.
Journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Elsevier, Volume 457, pp 137-148, 2012.
Documents: paper pdf link, bibtex bib
Cost and Complexity of Harnessing Games with Payments
Raphael Eidenbenz, Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and
Roger Wattenhofer.
International Game Theory Review (IGTR), World Scientific, Volume 13, Number 1, 2011.
Documents: paper pdf
Implications of Selfish Neighbor Selection in Unstructured
Peer-to-Peer Networks
Thomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
Journal Algorithmica (ALGO), Springer, Volume 61, Number 2, 2011.
Documents: paper pdf link
eDonkey & eMule's Kad: Measurements & Attacks
Thomas Locher, Stefan Schmid, and
Roger Wattenhofer.
Journal Fundamenta Informaticae (FI), IOS Press, Volume 109, Number 4, 2011.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Towards Worst-Case Churn
Resistant Peer-to-Peer Systems
Fabian Kuhn, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
Journal Distributed Computing (DIST), Springer, Volume 22, Number 4,
May 2010.
Documents: paper pdf link, bibtex bib
Tight Bounds for Delay-Sensitive
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
Journal Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science
(DMTCS), Volume 12, Number 1, 2010.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
The Price of Malice: A Game-Theoretic Framework for Malicious
Behavior in Distributed Systems
Thomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
Journal Internet Mathematics (IM), A K
Peters, Ltd., Volume 6, Number 2, 2009.
Documents: paper pdf link, bibtex bib
Pyrrha: Congestion-Root-Based Flow Control to Eliminate Head-of-Line Blocking in Datacenter
Kexin Liu, Zhaochen Zhang, Chang Liu, Yizhi Wang, Qingyue Wang, Vamsi Addanki, Stefan Schmid, Wei Chen, Xiaoliang Wang, Jiaqi Zheng, Wenhao Sun, Tao Wu, Ke Meng, Fei Chen, Weiguang Wang, Wanchun Dou, Guihai Chen, and Chen Tian.
22nd USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI),
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, April 2025.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SpiderDAN: Matching Augmentation in Demand-Aware Networks
Aleksander Figiel, Darya Melnyk, Andre Nichterlein, Arash Pourdamghani, and Stefan Schmid.
SIAM Symposium on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX),
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, January 2025.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
L3: Latency-aware Load Balancing in Multi-Cluster Service Mesh
Olivier Michaelis, Stefan Schmid, and Habib Mostafaei.
25th ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference (Middleware),
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, December 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Broadcast and Consensus in Stochastic Dynamic Networks with
Byzantine Nodes and Adversarial Edges
Antoine El-Hayek, Monika Henzinger, and Stefan Schmid.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Madrid, Spain, October 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
RIS as a Network Resource: Pricing and User Multiplexing Algorithms
Alexandros Ioannis Papadopoulos, Antonios Lalas, Konstantinos Votis, Stefan Schmid, and Christos Liaskos.
International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, France, October 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Musketeer: Incentive-Compatible
Rebalancing for Payment Channel Networks
Zeta Avarikioti, Stefan Schmid, and Samarth Tawari.
Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT), Vienna, Austria, September 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Toward Self-Adjusting k-ary Search Tree Networks
Evgeniy Feder, Anton Paramonov, Pavel Mavrin, Iosif Salem, Vitaly Aksenov, and Stefan Schmid.
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA),
Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom, September 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Learning Minimum Linear Arrangement of Cliques and Lines
Julien Dallot, Maciej Pacut, Marcin Bienkowski, Darya Melnyk, and Stefan Schmid.
44th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Jersey City, New Jersey, USA, July 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SyRep: Efficient Synthesis and Repair of Fast Re-Route Forwarding Tables for Resilient Networks
Csaba Györgyi, Kim G. Larsen, Stefan Schmid, and Jiri Srba.
54th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN),
Brisbane, Australia, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Minimizing the Weighted Average Shortest Path Length in Demand-Aware Networks via Matching Augmentation
Aleksander Figiel, Darya Melnyk, André Nichterlein, Arash Pourdamghani, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Nantes, France, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Musketeer - Incentive-Compatible
Rebalancing for Payment Channel Networks
Zeta Avarikioti, Stefan Schmid, and Samarth Tawari.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Nantes, France, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Baiji: Domain Planning for CDNs under the 95th Percentile Billing Model
Juan Vanerio, Huiran Liu, Qi Zhang, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Optimizing Virtual Payment Channel Establishment in the Face of On-Path Adversaries
Lukas Aumayr, Esra Ceylan, Yannik Kopyciok, Matteo Maffei, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Thessaloniki, Greece, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SyPer: Synthesis of Perfectly Resilient Local Fast Rerouting Rules for Highly Dependable Networks
Csaba Györgyi, Kim G. Larsen, Stefan Schmid, and Jiri Srba.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Vancouver, Canada, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Dependency-Aware Online Caching
Julien Dallot, Amirmehdi Jafari Fesharaki, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Vancouver, Canada, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Approximation Algorithms for Minimizing Congestion in Demand-Aware Networks
Wenkai Dai, Mike Dinitz, Klaus-Tycho Förster, Long Luo, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Vancouver, Canada, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Fast Algorithms for Loop-Free Network Updates using Linear Programming and Local Search
Radu Vintan, Harald Räcke, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Vancouver, Canada, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Congestion-Free Rerouting of Network Flows: Hardness and an FPT Algorithm
Esra Ceylan, Jakub Svoboda, Krishnendu Chatterjee, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), Mini-Conference,
Seoul, South Korea, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Reliability Assurance in RIS-assisted 6G Campus Networks
Ehsan Tohidi, Max Franke, Cao Vien Phung, Naveed Ali Khan Kaim Khani, Andre C. Drummond, Stefan Schmid, Admela Jukan, and Slawomir Stanczak.
International Conference On The Design Of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Credence: Augmenting Datacenter Switch Buffer Sharing with ML
Vamsi Addanki, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI),
Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Reverie: Low Pass Filter-Based Switch Buffer Sharing for
Datacenters with RDMA and TCP Traffic
Vamsi Addanki, Wei Bai, Stefan Schmid, and Maria Apostolaki.
21st USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI),
Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
A Subquadratic Bound for Online Bisection
Marcin Bienkowski and Stefan Schmid.
41st International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS),
Clermont-Ferrand, France, March 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Tero: Offloading CDN Traffic to Massively Distributed Devices
Juan Vanerio, Lily Hügerich, and Stefan Schmid.
25th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Chennai, India, January 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Convergence Time in Graphical Games: A Locality-Sensitive Approach
Juho Hirvonen, Laura Schmid, Krishnendu Chatterjee, and Stefan Schmid.
27th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
Tokyo, Japan, December 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Optimizing Reconfigurable Optical Datacenters: The Power of Randomization
Marcin Bienkowski, David Fuchssteiner, and Stefan Schmid.
International Conference for High Performance
Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC),
aka ACM/IEEE Supercomputing,
Denver, Colorado, USA, November 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Online Algorithms with Randomly Infused Advice
Yuval Emek, Yuval Gil, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA),
Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Mars: Near-Optimal Throughput with Shallow Buffers in Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Vamsi Addanki, Chen Avin, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER),
Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Duo: A High-Throughput Reconfigurable Datacenter Network Using
Local Routing and Control
Johannes Zerwas, Csaba Györgyi, Andreas Blenk, Stefan Schmid, and Chen Avin.
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER),
Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Toward Highly Reliable Programmable Data Planes: Verification of P4 Code Generation
Csaba Gyorgyi, Sandor Laki, and Stefan Schmid.
9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft),
Madrid, Spain, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
A Tight Characterization of Fast Failover Routing: Resiliency
to Two Link Failures is Possible
Wenkai Dai, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA),
Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Polylog-Competitive Algorithms for Dynamic Balanced Graph
Partitioning for Ring Demands
Harald Räcke, Stefan Schmid, and Ruslan Zabrodin.
35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA),
Orlando, Florida, USA, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Case for Stochastic Online Segment Routing Under Demand Uncertainty
Jerome De Boeck, Bernard Fortz, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Barcelona, Spain, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
Weighted Packet Selection for Rechargeable Links in Cryptocurrency Networks: Complexity and Approximation
Stefan Schmid, Jakub Svoboda, and Michelle Yeo.
30th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Alcala de Henares, Spain, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Self-Adjusting Linear Networks with Ladder Demand Graph
Vitaly Aksenov, Anton Paramonov, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
30th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Alcala de Henares, Spain, June 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SeedTree: A Dynamically Optimal and Local Self-Adjusting Tree
Arash Pourdamghani, Chen Avin, Robert Sama, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
New York, USA, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Self-Adjusting Partially Ordered Lists
Vamsi Addanki, Maciej Pacut, Arash Pourdamghani, Gabor Retvari, Stefan Schmid, and Juan Vanerio.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
New York, USA, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Dynamic Demand-Aware Link Scheduling for Reconfigurable Datacenters
Kathrin Hanauer, Monika Henzinger, Lara Ost, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
New York, USA, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
OpticNet: Self-Adjusting Networks for ToR-Matching-ToR Optical Switching Architectures
Caio Caldeira, Otavio Augusto de Oliveira Souza, Olga Goussevskaia, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
New York, USA, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
R2: Boosting Liquidity in Payment Channel
Networks with Online Admission Control (Combining On-chain Recharging with Off-chain Rebalancing)
Mahsa Bastankhah, Krishnendu Chatterjee, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Stefan Schmid, Jakub Svoboda, and Michelle Yeo.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Bol, Brac, Croatia, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Analyzing the Communication Clusters in Datacenters
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Thibault Marette, Stefan Neumann, Claudia Plant, Ylli Sadikaj, Stefan Schmid, and Yllka Velaj.
The Web Conference (WWW), Austin, Texas, USA, April 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Dynamic Maintenance of Monotone Dynamic Programs and Applications
Monika Henzinger, Stefan Neumann, Harald Räcke, and Stefan Schmid.
40th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS),
Hamburg, Germany, March 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Sinkless Orientation Made Simple
Alkida Balliu, Janne H. Korhonen, Fabian Kuhn, Henrik Lievonen, Dennis Olivetti, Shreyas Pai, Ami Paz, Joel Rybicki, Stefan Schmid, Jan Studený, Jukka Suomela, and Jara Uitto.
SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA),
Florence, Italy, January 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Time Complexity of Consensus Under Oblivious Message
Hugo Rincon Galeana, Ami Paz, Stefan Schmid, Ulrich Schmid, and Kyrill Winkler.
14th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS),
MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, January 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Asymptotically Tight Bounds on the Time Complexity of Broadcast
and its Variants in Dynamic Networks
Antoine El-Hayek, Monika Henzinger, and Stefan Schmid.
14th Innovations in Theoretical Computer Science (ITCS),
MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, January 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Chopin: Combining Distributed and Centralized Schedulers for Self-Adjusting Datacenter Networks
Neta Rozen Schiff, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and David Hay.
25th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
Brussels, Belgium, December 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
R-MPLS: Recursive Protection for Highly Dependable MPLS Networks
Stefan Schmid, Morten Konggaard Schou, Jiri Srba, and Juan Vanerio.
18th ACM International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies (CoNEXT),
Rome, Italy, December 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
code web,
bibtex bib
MPLS-Kit: An MPLS Data Plane Toolkit
Juan Vanerio, Stefan Schmid, Morten Schou, and Jiri Srba.
IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI),
Paris, France, November 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
FBR: Dynamic Memory-Aware Fast Rerouting
Nicklas Johansen, Lasse Kaer, Andreas Madsen, Kristian Nielsen, Stefan Schmid, Jiri Srba, and Rasmus Tollund.
IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI),
Paris, France, November 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
PDAAAL: A Library for Reachability Analysis of Weighted Pushdown Systems
Peter Gjøl Jensen, Stefan Schmid, Morten Konggaard Schou, and Jirí Srba.
20th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA),
Beijing, China, October 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Model-Based Insights on the Performance, Fairness, and Stability of BBR
Simon Scherrer, Markus Legner, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC),
Nice, France, October 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Temporal Locality in Online Algorithms
Maciej Pacut, Mahmoud Parham, Joel Rybicki, Stefan Schmid, Jukka Suomela, and Aleksandr Tereshchenko.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Augusta, Georgia, USA, October 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Minimizing Congestion in Hybrid Demand-Aware Network Topologies
Wenkai Dai, Michael Dinitz, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Augusta, Georgia, USA, October 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Augmentation-Speed Tradeoff for Consistent Network Updates
Monika Henzinger, Ami Paz, Arash Pourdamghani, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR),
Virtual Event, 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Wiser: Increasing Throughput in Payment Channel Networks with Transaction Aggregation
Samarth Tiwari, Michelle Yeo, Zeta Avarikioti, Iosif Salem, Krzysztof Pietrzak, and Stefan Schmid.
4th ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies
(AFT), MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, September 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
ABM: Active Buffer Management in Datacenters
Vamsi Addanki, Maria Apostolaki, Manya Ghobadi, Stefan Schmid, and Laurent Vanbever.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Approximate Dynamic Balanced Graph Partitioning
Harald Räcke, Stefan Schmid, and Ruslan Zabrodin.
34th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
July 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Broadcasting Time in Dynamic Rooted Trees is Linear
Antoine El-Hayek, Monika Henzinger, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC),
Salerno, Italy, Jula 2022.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Deterministic Self-Adjusting Tree Networks Using Rotor Walks
Chen Avin, Marcin Bienkowski, Iosif Salem, Robert Sama, Stefan Schmid, and Paweł Schmidt.
42nd IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Bologna, Italy, July 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
AllSynth: Transiently Correct Network Update Synthesis Accounting for Operator Preferences
Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Anders Mariegaard, Stefan Schmid, and Jiri Srba.
16th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE),
Cluj-Napoca, Romania, July 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Price of Locality in Static Fast Rerouting
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Juho Hirvonen, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
52nd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN),
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Hazard Value: A Quantitative Network Connectivity Measure Accounting for Failures
Pieter Cuijpers, Stefan Schmid, Nicolas Schnepf, and Jiri Srba.
52nd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN),
Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
NetStack: A Game Approach to Synthesizing Consistent Network Updates
Stefan Schmid, Bernhard Schrenk, and Alvaro Torralba.
IFIP Networking,
Catania, Italy, June 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Cerberus: The Power of Choices in Datacenter Topology Design (A Throughput Perspective)
Chen Griner, Johannes Zerwas, Andreas Blenk, Manya Ghobadi, Stefan Schmid, and Chen Avin.
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Mumbai, India, June 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Fast and Heavy Disjoint Weighted Matchings for Demand-Aware Datacenter Topologies
Kathrin Hanauer, Monika Henzinger, Stefan Schmid, and Jonathan Trummer.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Virtual Conference, May 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Lazy Self-Adjusting Bounded-Degree Networks for the Matching Model
Evgeniy Feder, Ichha Rathod, Punit Shyamsukha, Robert Sama, Vitaly Aksenov, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Virtual Conference, May 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
PowerTCP: Pushing the Performance Limits of Datacenter Networks
Vamsi Addanki, Oliver Michel, and Stefan Schmid.
19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Renton,
Washington, USA, April 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Hide & Seek: Privacy-Preserving Rebalancing on Payment
Channel Networks
Zeta Avarikioti, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Iosif Salem, Stefan Schmid, Samarth Tiwari, and Michelle Yeo.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Grenada, February 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Short Paper: A Centrality Analysis of the Lightning Network
Philipp Zabka, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Christian Decker, and Stefan Schmid.
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), Grenada, February 2022.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
ExRec: Experimental Framework for Reconfigurable Networks Based on Off-the-Shelf Hardware
Johannes Zerwas, Chen Avin, Stefan Schmid, and Andreas Blenk.
16th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Macchiato: Importing Cache Side Channels to SDNs (Best Paper Award)
Amir Sabzi, Liron Schiff, Kashyap Thimmaraju, Andreas Blenk, and Stefan Schmid.
16th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On Efficient Oblivious Wavelength Assignments for Programmable Wide-Area Topologies
Thomas Fenz, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
16th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Improving the Resilience of Fast Failover Routing: TREE
(Tree Routing to Extend Edge disjoint paths)
Oliver Schweiger, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
16th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Virtual Conference, December 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Traffic Engineering with Joint Link Weight and Segment Optimization
Mahmoud Parham, Thomas Fenz, Nikolaus Süss, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
17th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT),
Munich, Germany, December 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Efficient Network Monitoring Applications in the Kernel with eBPF and XDP (Best Paper Award)
Marcelo Abranches, Oliver Michel, Eric Keller, and Stefan Schmid.
7th IEEE Conference on Network Functions Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking (NFV-SDN), Virtual Conference,
November 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
An Axiomatic Perspective on the Performance Effects of End-Host Path Selection
Simon Scherrer, Markus Legner, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
39th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Improved Scalability of Demand-Aware Datacenter Topologies With Minimal Route Lengths and Congestion
Maciej Pacut, Wenkai Dai, Alexandre Labbe, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
39th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Improved Throughput for All-or-Nothing Multicommodity Flows with Arbitrary Demands (Short Paper)
Anya Chaturvedi, Chandra Chekuri, Andrea Richa, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Jamison Weber.
39th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Network Traffic Characteristics of Machine Learning Frameworks Under the Microscope
Johannes Zerwas, Kaan Aykurt, Stefan Schmid, and Andreas Blenk.
17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM),
Izmir, Turkey, October 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Optimal Virtual Network Embeddings for Tree Topologies
Peter Gjøl Jensen, Stefan Schmid, Morten Konggaard Schou, Jirí Srba, Juan Vanerio, and Ingo van Duijn.
19th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA),
Gold Coast, Australia, October 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Randomized Local Fast Rerouting for Datacenter Networks with Almost Optimal Congestion
Gregor Bankhamer, Robert Elsässer, and Stefan Schmid.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Freiburg, Germany, October 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Sinkless Orientation Is Hard also in the Supported LOCAL Model
Janne H. Korhonen, Ami Paz, Joel Rybicki, Stefan Schmid, and Jukka Suomela.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Freiburg, Germany, October 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Scheduling Opportunistic Links in Two-Tiered Reconfigurable Datacenters
Janardhan Kulkarni, Stefan Schmid, and Pawel Schmidt.
33rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
Virtual Conference, July 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Optimal Virtual Network Embeddings for Tree Topologies
Aleksander Figiel, Leon Kellerhals, Rolf Niedermeier, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Philipp Zschoche.
33rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
Virtual Conference, July 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Toward Self-Adjusting Networks for the Matching Model
Evgeniy Feder, Ichha Rathod, Punit Shyamsukha, Robert Sama, Vitaly Aksenov, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
33rd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
Virtual Conference, July 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Enabling Novel Interconnection Agreements with Path-Aware Network Architectures
Simon Scherrer, Markus Legner, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
51st IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
LightPIR: Privacy-Preserving Route Discovery for Payment Channel Networks
Krzysztof Pietrzak, Iosif Salem, Stefan Schmid, and Michelle Yeo.
IFIP Networking,
Aalto University, Finland, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
On the Complexity of Weight-Dynamic Network Algorithms
Monika Henzinger, Ami Paz, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Aalto University, Finland, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
Demand-Aware Plane Spanners of Bounded Degree
Esra Ceylan, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Katsiaryna Zaitsava.
IFIP Networking,
Aalto University, Finland, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
It's Good to Relax: Fast Profit Approximation
for Virtual Networks with Latency Constraints (Short Paper)
Robin Münk, Matthias Rost, Harald Räcke, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Aalto University, Finland, Virtual Conference, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Input-Dynamic Distributed Algorithms for Communication Networks
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Janne Korhonen, Ami Paz, Joel Rybicki, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Beijing, China, June 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
CBNet: Minimizing Adjustments in Concurrent Demand-Aware Tree Networks
Otavio Augusto de Oliveira Souza, Olga Goussevskaia, and Stefan Schmid.
35th IEEE International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Portland, Oregon, USA, May 2021.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Demand Matrix Optimization for Offchain Payments in Blockchain
Julia Khamis, Stefan Schmid, and Ori Rottenstreich.
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), Virtual Conference, May 2021.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Optimal Online Balanced Graph Partitioning
Maciej Pacut, Mahmoud Parham, and Stefan Schmid.
40th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Virtual Conference, May 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Fix with P6: Verifying Programmable Switches at Runtime
Apoorv Shukla, Kevin Hudemann, Zsolt Vagi, Lily Hügerich, Georgios Smaragdakis, Artur Hecker, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
40th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Virtual Conference, May 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Grafting Arborescences for Extra Resilience of Fast Rerouting Schemes
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Andrzej Kamisinski, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
40th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Virtual Conference, May 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Resilient Capacity-Aware Routing
Stefan Schmid, Nicolas Schnepf and Jiri Srba.
27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS),
Virtual Conference, March 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Tight Bounds for Online Graph Partitioning
Monika Henzinger, Stefan Neumann, Harald Räcke, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), Alexandria, Virginia, USA, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
ReNets: Statically-Optimal Demand-Aware Networks
Chen Avin and Stefan Schmid.
SIAM Symposium on Algorithmic Principles of Computer Systems (APOCS), Alexandria, Virginia, USA, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Feasibility of Perfect Resilience with Local Fast Failover
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Juho Hirvonen, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
SIAM Symposium on Algorithmic Principles of Computer Systems (APOCS), Alexandria, Virginia, USA, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Online Balanced Repartitioning of Dynamic Communication Patterns in Polynomial Time
Tobias Forner, Harald Räcke, and Stefan Schmid.
SIAM Symposium on Algorithmic Principles of Computer Systems (APOCS), Alexandria, Virginia, USA, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
P4Fuzz: Compiler Fuzzer for Dependable Programmable Dataplanes
Andrei Alexandru Agape, Madalin Claudiu Danceanu, Rene Rydhof Hansen, and Stefan Schmid.
22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Nara, Japan, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Node Classification and Geographical Analysis of the
Lightning Cryptocurrency Network
Philipp Zabka, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Christian Decker.
22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Nara, Japan, January 2021.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Maximally Resilient Replacement Paths for a Family of Product Graphs
Mahmoud Parham, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Petar Kosic, and Stefan Schmid.
23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
online, December 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Chameleon: Predictable Latency and High Utilization with Queue-Aware and Adaptive Source Routing
Amaury Van Bemten, Nemanja Deric, Amir Varasteh, Stefan Schmid, Carmen Mas Machuca, Andreas Blenk, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
16th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Barcelona, Spain, December 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
AalWiNes: A Fast and Quantitative What-If Analysis Tool for MPLS Networks
Peter Gjøl Jensen, Morten Konggaard, Dan Kristiansen, Stefan Schmid, Bernhard Clemens Schrenk, and Jiri Srba.
16th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Barcelona, Spain, December 2020.
Artefact Evaluation: Available, Reusable.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On Search Friction of Route Discovery in Offchain Networks
Saar Tochner and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain),
Rhodes Island, Greece, November 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Route Hijacking and DoS in Off-Chain Networks
Saar Tochner, Aviv Zohar, and Stefan Schmid.
2nd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies
(AFT), New York City, New York, USA, October 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Online Dynamic B-Matching with Applications to
Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Marcin Bienkowski, David Fuchssteiner, Jan Marcinkowski, and Stefan Schmid.
38th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Latte: Improving the Latency of Transiently Consistent Network Update Schedules
Mark Glavind, Niels Christensen, Jiri Srba, and Stefan Schmid.
38th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Load-Optimization in Reconfigurable Networks:
Algorithms and Complexity of Flow Routing
Wenkai Dai, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, David Fuchssteiner, and Stefan Schmid.
38th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Incentivizing Stable Path Selection in Future Internet Architectures
Simon Scherrer, Markus Legner, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
38th International Symposium on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurements and Evaluation (PERFORMANCE)
and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Milan, Italy, November 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: What Can(not) Be
Perfectly Rerouted Locally
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Juho Hirvonen, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid,
and Gilles Tredan.
International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Freiburg, Germany, October 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Conic Formation in Presence of Faulty Robots
Debasish Pattanayak, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Partha Sarathi Mandal, and Stefan Schmid.
16th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks (ALGOSENSORS), Pisa, Italy, September 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Cryptocurrency Networking: Context, State-of-the-Art, Challenges
Maya Dotan, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, Saar Tochner, and Aviv Zohar.
15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES),
Virtual Conference, August 2020.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Brief Announcement: Deterministic Lower Bound for Dynamic Balanced Graph Partitioning
Maciej Pacut, Mahmoud Parham, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC),
Salerno, Italy, August 2020.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Complexity of Traffic Traces and Implications
Chen Avin, Manya Ghobadi, Chen Griner, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGMETRICS and ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
The Value of Information in Selfish Routing
Simon Scherrer, Adrian Perrig, and Stefan Schmid.
27th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO),
Paderborn, Germany, June 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Implications of Routing Coherence and Consistency on Network Optimization
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
IFIP Networking,
Paris, France, June 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
video mp4,
bibtex bib
Cost-Efficient Embedding of Virtual Networks
With and Without Routing Flexibility
Balazs Nemeth, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid,
and Balazs Vass.
IFIP Networking,
Paris, France, June 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
video avi,
bibtex bib
Dynamically Optimal Self-Adjusting Single-Source Tree Networks
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
14th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN),
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Working Set Theorems for Routing in Self-Adjusting Skip List Networks
Chen Avin, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
39th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Beijing, China, April 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SplitCast: Optimizing Multicast Flows in Reconfigurable Datacenter Networks
Long Luo, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Hongfang Yu.
39th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Beijing, China, April 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Toward Active and Passive Confidentiality Attacks On Cryptocurrency Off-Chain Networks
Utz Nisslmueller, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Christian Decker.
6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP),
Valletta, Malta, February 2020.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
The Evolutionary Price of Anarchy: Locally Bounded
Agents in a Dynamic Virus Game
Laura Schmid, Krishnendu Chatterjee, and Stefan Schmid.
23rd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
Neuchâtel, Switzerland, December 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Tuple Space Explosion: A Denial-of-Service Attack Against a Software Packet Classifier
Levente Csikor, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Min Suk Kang, Attila Korosi, Balazs Sonkoly, David Haja, Dimitrios Pezaros, Stefan Schmid, and Gabor Retvari.
15th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
PURR: A Primitive for Reconfigurable Fast Reroute
Marco Chiesa, Roshan Sedar, Gianni Antichi, Michael Borokhovich, Andrzej Kamisinski, Georgios Nikolaidis, and Stefan Schmid.
15th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2019.
Artefact Evaluation: Available, Functional, Reusable.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Loko: Predictable Latency in Small Networks
Amaury Van Bemten, Nemanja Deric, Johannes Zerwas, Andreas Blenk, Stefan Schmid, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
15th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT), Orlando, Florida, USA, December 2019.
Artefact Evaluation: Functional, Reusable.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Self-Adjusting Linear Networks
Chen Avin, Ingo van Duijn, and Stefan Schmid.
21st International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety,
and Security of Distributed Systems (SSS),
Pisa, Italy, October 2019.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Local Fast Rerouting with Low Congestion: A Randomized Approach
Gregor Bankhamer, Robert Elsässer, and Stefan Schmid.
27th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP),
Chicago, Illinois, USA, October 2019.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Improved Fast Rerouting Using Postprocessing (Best Paper Award)
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Andrzej Kamisinski, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
38th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS),
Lyon, France, October 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Preacher: Network Policy Checker for Adversarial Environments
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
38th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS),
Lyon, France, October 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Nap: Network-Aware Data Partitions for Efficient Distributed Processing
Or Raz, Chen Avin, and Stefan Schmid.
18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, September 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Distributed Consistent Network Updates in SDNs:
Local Verification for Global Guarantees
Klaus-Tycho Foerster and Stefan Schmid.
18th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, September 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Empirical Predictability Study of SDN Switches
Amaury Van Bemten, Nemanja Deric, Amir Varasteh, Andreas Blenk, Stefan Schmid, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Cambridge, UK, September 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Compact Oblivious Routing
Harald Räcke and Stefan Schmid.
European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA), Munich, Germany, September 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Breeding Unicorns: Developing Trustworthy and
Scalable Randomness Beacons
Samvid Dharanikota, Rene Rydhof Hansen, Michael Jensen, Sebastian Ro Kristensen,
Matthias Sass Michno, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain),
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
MTS: Bringing Multi-Tenancy to Virtual Switches
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Saad Hermak, Gabor Retvari, and Stefan Schmid.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Renton, Washington, USA, July 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Efficient Distributed Workload (Re-)Embedding
Monika Henzinger, Stefan Neumann, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM/IFIP SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, June 2019, and
ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER).
Documents: paper pdf,
PER pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
DaRTree: Deadline-Aware Multicast Transfers in Reconfigurable Wide-Area Networks
Long Luo, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Hongfang Yu.
IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, June 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Bonsai: Efficient Fast Failover Routing Using Small Arborescences
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Andrzej Kamisinski, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN),
Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Efficient Non-Segregated Routing for Reconfigurable Demand-Aware Networks (Best Paper Award)
Thomas Fenz, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, and Anaïs Villedieu.
IFIP Networking,
Warsaw, Poland, May 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On Polynomial-Time Congestion-Free Software-Defined Network Updates
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Szymon Dudycz, Mahmoud Parham, Stefan Schmid, and Sebastian Wiederrecht.
IFIP Networking,
Warsaw, Poland, May 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On The Impact of the Network Hypervisor on Virtual Network Performance (Nominated for Best Paper Award)
Andreas Blenk, Arsany Basta, Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Warsaw, Poland, May 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
DeepMPLS: Fast Analysis of MPLS Configurations Using Deep Learning
Fabien Geyer and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Warsaw, Poland, May 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Demand-Aware Network Design with Minimal Congestion and Route Lengths
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
38th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Distributed Self-Adjusting Tree Networks
Bruna Peres, Otavio Augusto de Oliveira Souza, Olga Goussevskaia, Chen Avin, and Stefan Schmid.
38th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
A Constant Approximation for Maximum Throughput Multicommodity Routing
Mengxue Liu, Andrea Richa, Stefan Schmid, and Matthias Rost.
38th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
On the Power of Preprocessing in Decentralized Network Optimization
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Juho Hirvonen, Stefan Schmid, and Jukka Suomela.
38th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
CASA: Congestion and Stretch Aware Static Fast Rerouting
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan
38th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Local Fast Segment Rerouting on Hypercubes
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Mahmoud Parham, Stefan Schmid, and Tao Wen.
22nd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
Hong Kong, December 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Local Fast Segment Rerouting on Hypercubes
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Mahmoud Parham, Stefan Schmid, and Tao Wen.
22nd International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS),
Hong Kong, December 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
P-Rex: Fast Verification of MPLS Networks with Multiple Link Failures
Jesper Stenbjerg Jensen, Troels Beck Krogh, Jonas Sand Madsen, Stefan Schmid, Jiri Srba, and Marc Tom Thorgersen.
14th ACM International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT),
Heraklion/Crete, Greece, December 2018.
Artefact Evaluation: Available.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Characterizing the Algorithmic Complexity of
Reconfigurable Data Center Architectures
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Monia Ghobadi, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS),
Ithaca, New York, USA, July 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Congestion-Free Rerouting of Flows on DAGs
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Szymon Dudycz, Stefan Schmid, and Sebastian Wiederrecht.
45th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP),
Prague, Czech Republic, July 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Renaissance: A Self-Stabilizing Distributed SDN Control Plane
Marco Canini, Iosif Salem, Liron Schiff, Elad Michael Schiller, and Stefan Schmid.
38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Vienna, Austria, July 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Scheduling Congestion-Free Updates of Multiple Flows with Chronicle in Timed SDNs
Jiaqi Zheng, Bo Li, Chen Tian, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Stefan Schmid, Guihai Chen, and Jie Wu.
38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS),
Vienna, Austria, July 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Tomographic Node Placement Strategies and the Impact of the
Routing Model
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
Irvine, California, USA, June 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Virtual Network Embedding Approximations: Leveraging Randomized Rounding
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Also presented by Matthias Rost at
23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP),
Bordeaux, France, July 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
slides for ISMP pdf,
bibtex bib
Waypoint Routing in Special Networks
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Riko Jacob, Mahmoud Parham, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Charting the Complexity Landscape of Virtual Network Embeddings (Best Paper Award)
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
I DPID It My Way! A Covert Timing Channel in Software-Defined Networks
Robert Krösche, Kashyap Thimmaraju, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Ahab: Data-Driven Virtual Cluster Hunting
Johannes Zerwas, Patrick Kalmbach, Carlo Fuerst, Arne Ludwig, Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
IFIP Networking,
Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Polynomial-Time What-If Analysis for Prefix-Manipulating MPLS Networks
Stefan Schmid and Jiri Srba.
37th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
NeuroViNE: A Neural Preprocessor for Your Virtual Network Embedding Algorithm
Andreas Blenk, Patrick Kalmbach, Johannes Zerwas, Michael Jarschel, Stefan Schmid,
and Wolfgang Kellerer.
37th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
TI-MFA: Keep Calm and Reroute Segments Fast
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Mahmoud Parham, Marco Chiesa, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Walking Through Waypoints
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Klaus-Tycho Foerster, and Stefan Schmid.
13th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN),
Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Taking Control of SDN-based Cloud Systems via the Data Plane (Best Paper Award)
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Bhargava Shastry, Tobias Fiebig, Felicitas Hetzelt, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Anja Feldmann, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR),
Los Angeles, California, USA, March 2018.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Demand-Aware Network Designs of Bounded Degree
Chen Avin, Kaushik Mondal, and Stefan Schmid.
31st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Vienna, Austria, October 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Static Program Analysis as a Fuzzing Aid
Bhargava Shastry, Markus Leutner, Tobias Fiebig, Kashyap Thimmaraju, Fabian Yamaguchi, Konrad Rieck, Stefan Schmid,
Jean-Pierre Seifert, and Anja Feldmann.
20th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID),
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Online Tree Caching
Marcin Bienkowski, Jan Marcinkowski, Maciej Pacut, Stefan Schmid, and Aleksandra Spyra.
29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), Washington D.C., USA, July 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Load-Optimal Local Fast Rerouting for Resilient Networks
Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Chronus: Consistent Data Plane Updates in Timed SDNs
Jiaqi Zheng, Guihai Chen, Stefan Schmid, Haipeng Dai, and Jie Wu.
37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive Clustering of Stochastic Communication Patterns on the Ring
Chen Avin, Louis Cohen, and Stefan Schmid.
5th International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS), Marrakech, Morocco, May 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Convergence of Even Simpler Robots without Location Information
Debasish Pattanayak, Kaushik Mondal, Partha Sarathi Mandal, and Stefan Schmid.
5th International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS), Marrakech, Morocco, May 2017.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Outsmarting Network Security with SDN Teleportation
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P),
Paris, France, April 2017.
See also CVE-2015-7516.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
demo video,
bibtex bib
WNetKAT: A Weighted SDN Programming and Verification Language
Kim G. Larsen, Stefan Schmid, and Bingtian Xue.
20th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), Madrid, Spain, December 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Online Balanced Repartitioning
Chen Avin, Andreas Loukas, Maciej Pacut, and Stefan Schmid.
30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Paris, France, September 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Topological Self-Stabilization with Name-Passing Process Calculi
Christina Rickmann, Christoph Wagner, Uwe Nestmann, and Stefan Schmid.
27th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR),
Québec City, Canada, August 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Local Constant Factor MDS Approximation for Bounded Genus Graphs
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Stefan Schmid, and Sebastian Siebertz.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC),
Chicago, Illinois, July 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Transiently Consistent SDN Updates: Being Greedy is Hard
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri, Arne Ludwig, Jan Marcinkowski, and Stefan Schmid.
23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO),
Helsinki, Finland, July 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
An Approximation Algorithm for Path
Computation and Function Placement in SDNs
Guy Even, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO),
Helsinki, Finland, July 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Can't Touch This: Consistent Network Updates for Multiple
Szymon Dudycz, Arne Ludwig, and Stefan Schmid.
46th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN),
Toulouse, France, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Study the past if you would define the future: Implementing Secure Multi-Party SDN Updates
Liron Schiff and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE International Conference on Software Science, Technology and Engineering (SwSTE), Beer-Sheva, Israel, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, , slides pdf, bibtex bib
Transiently Secure Network Updates
Arne Ludwig, Szymon Dudycz, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
42nd ACM SIGMETRICS, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, demo mov, bibtex bib
Kraken: Online and Elastic Resource Reservations for Multi-tenant Datacenters
Carlo Fuerst, Stefan Schmid, Lalith Suresh, and Paolo Costa.
35th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), San Francisco, California, USA, April 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Stitching Inter-Domain Paths over IXPs
Vasileios Kotronis, Rowan Klöti, Matthias Rost, Panagiotis Georgopoulos,
Bernhard Ager, Stefan Schmid, and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos.
ACM Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR), Santa Clara, California, USA, March 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
SHEAR: A Highly Available and Flexible Network Architecture: Marrying Distributed and Logically Centralized Control Planes
Michael Markovitch and Stefan Schmid.
23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), San Francisco, California, USA, November 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
How Hard Can It Be? Understanding the Complexity of Replica Aware Virtual Cluster Embeddings
Carlo Fuerst, Maciej Pacut, Paolo Costa, and Stefan Schmid.
23rd IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), San Francisco, California, USA, November 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Scheduling Loop-free Network Updates: It's Good to Relax!
Arne Ludwig, Jan Marcinkowski, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain, July 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, podc cast mp3, bibtex bib
Online Admission Control and Embedding of Service Chains
Tamas Lukovszki and Stefan Schmid.
22nd International Colloquium on Structural Information
and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Montserrat, Spain, July 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive Strategies for Online Cloud Resource Allocation with Discounts: The 2-Dimensional Parking Permit Problem
Xinhui Hu, Arne Ludwig, Andrea Richa, and Stefan Schmid.
35th IEEE International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS), Columbus, Ohio, USA, June 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
OpenSDWN: Programmatic Control over Home and Enterprise WiFi
Julius Schulz-Zander, Carlos Mayer, Bogdan Ciobotaru, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
ACM Sigcomm Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR), Santa Clara, California, USA,
June 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
C3: Cutting Tail Latency in Cloud Data Stores via Adaptive
Replica Selection
Lalith Suresh, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
12th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Oakland, California, USA, May 2015.
C3 currently ships with ElasticSearch and has influenced the design of Spotify’s Expected Latency Selector.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, video link, bibtex bib
A Distributed and Robust SDN Control Plane
for Transactional Network Updates
Marco Canini, Petr Kuznetsov, Dan Levin, and Stefan Schmid.
34th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, April 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Leveraging Locality for FIB Aggregation
Nadi Sarrar, Robert Wuttke, Stefan Schmid, Marcin Bienkowski, and Steve Uhlig.
IEEE GLOBECOM, Austin, Texas, USA, December 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
ColorCast: Deterministic Broadcast in Powerline Networks with Uncertainties
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Venice, Italy, November 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive FIB Aggregation without Update Churn
Marcin Bienkowski, Nadi Sarrar, Stefan Schmid, and Steve Uhlig.
34th International Conference on Distributed
Computing Systems (ICDCS), Madrid, Spain, June 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Panopticon: Reaping the Benefits of Incremental SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
Dan Levin, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid, Fabian Schaffert, and Anja Feldmann.
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, June 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
It's About Time: On Optimal Virtual Network Embeddings under
Temporal Flexibilities
Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
28th IEEE International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, May 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive MAC under Adversarial SINR
Adrian Ogierman, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin Zhang.
33rd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, April 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
AeroFlux: A Near-Sighted Controller Architecture
for Software-Defined Wireless Networks
Julius Schulz-Zander, Nadi Sarrar, and Stefan Schmid.
Open Networking Summit (ONS), Conference Research Track, USENIX, Santa Clara, California, USA, March 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Control Exchange Points: Providing QoS-enabled End-to-End Services
via SDN-based Inter-domain Routing Orchestration
Vasileios Kotronis, Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, Rowan Klöti, Bernhard Ager, Panagiotis Georgopoulos, and Stefan Schmid.
Open Networking Summit (ONS), Conference Research Track, USENIX, Santa Clara, California, USA, March 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
VirtuCast: Multicast and Aggregation with In-Network Processing (An Exact Single-Commodity Algorithm)
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
17th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), Nice, France, Springer LNCS, December 2013.
Also presented by Matthias Rost at
22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP),
Combinatorial Optimization / Routing and Facility Location, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, July 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, project website html,
ISMP slides pdf, bibtex bib
How (Not) to Shoot in Your Foot with SDN Local Fast Failover: A Load-Connectivity Tradeoff
Michael Borokhovich and Stefan Schmid.
17th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), Nice, France, Springer LNCS, December 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Virtual Network Embedding with Collocation: Benefits and Limitations of Pre-Clustering (Best Paper Award)
Carlo Fuerst, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
2nd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (CLOUDNET), San Francisco, California, USA, November 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Specificity vs. Flexibility: On the Embedding Cost of a Virtual Network
Arne Ludwig, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), Shanghai, China, September 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
An Architecture for Creating and Managing Virtual Networks
Ishan Vaishnavi, David Perez-Caparros, Stefan Schmid, and Ashiq Khan.
24th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), London, United Kingdom, September 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive FIB Aggregation: Online Ski Rental on the Trie
Marcin Bienkowski and Stefan Schmid.
20th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Ischia, Italy, July 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Locally Self-Adjusting Tree Networks
Chen Avin, Bernhard Haeupler, Zvi Lotker, Christian Scheideler, and Stefan Schmid.
27th IEEE International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, May 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Request Complexity of VNet Topology Extraction:
Dictionary-Based Attacks
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
International Conference on Networked Systems (NETYS), Marrakech, Morocco, Springer LNCS 7853, May 2013
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Toward Transitional SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
Dan Levin, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
Open Networking Summit (ONS), Conference Research Track, Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
tech report pdf, bibtex bib
Optimal Bounds for Online Page Migration with Generalized Migration Costs
Johannes Schneider and Stefan Schmid.
32nd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Turin, Italy, April 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Optimal Migration Contracts in Virtual Networks: Pay-as-You-Come vs Pay-as-You-Go Pricing
Xinhui Hu, Stefan Schmid, Andrea Richa, and Anja Feldmann.
14th International Conference on Distributed Computing and
Networking (ICDCN), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India, January 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Optimizing Long-Lived CloudNets with Migrations
Gregor Schaffrath, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Boosting Market Liquidity of Peer-to-Peer Systems
Through Cyclic Trading
Raphael Eidenbenz, Thomas Locher, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
12th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), Tarragona, Spain, September 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
public reviews pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Resource Description Language with Vagueness Support for Multi-Provider Cloud
Gregor Schaffrath, Stefan Schmid, Ishan Vaishnavi, Ashiq Khan, and Anja Feldmann.
International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN), Bundeswehr Universität, Munich, Germany, July 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
example zip, bibtex bib
Competitive and Fair Throughput for Co-Existing Networks
Under Adversarial Interference
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
31st Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing (PODC), Madeira, Portugal, July 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Tracing the Birth of an OSN: Social Graph and
Profile Analysis in Google+
Doris Schiöberg, Fabian Schneider, Harald Schiöberg, Stefan Schmid, Steve Uhlig, and Anja Feldmann.
ACM Web Science (WebSci), Evanston, Illinois, June 2012.
Documents: paper pdf
Competitive and Deterministic Embeddings of Virtual Networks (Best Paper Award)
Guy Even, Moti Medina, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
13th International Conference on Distributed Computing and
Networking (ICDCN), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, Springer LNCS 7129, January 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Misleading Stars: What Cannot Be Measured in the Internet?
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
25th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Rome, Italy, September 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
podc cast mp3, bibtex bib
Online Strategies for Intra and Inter Provider
Service Migration in Virtual Networks
Dushyant Arora, Marcin Bienkowski, Anja Feldmann, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications (IPTComm), Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive and Fair Medium
Access despite Reactive Jamming
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
31st IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing
Systems (ICDCS), Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, June 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Self-Stabilizing Leader Election
for Single-Hop Wireless Networks despite Jamming
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
12th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking
and Computing (MobiHoc), Paris, France, May 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Jamming-Resistant MAC Protocol for
Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
24th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC),
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, Springer LNCS 6343, September
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Towards Network Games with Social
Petr Kuznetsov and Stefan Schmid.
17th International Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Nesin Mathematics
Village, Sirince, Turkey, Springer LNCS 6058, June 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Event Extent Estimation
Marcin Bienkowski, Leszek Gasieniec, Marek Klonowski,
Miroslaw Korzeniowski, and Stefan Schmid.
17th International Colloquium on Structural Information and
Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Nesin Mathematics
Village, Sirince, Turkey, Springer LNCS 6058, June 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Time Complexity of Distributed
Topological Self-Stabilization: The Case of Graph
Dominik Gall, Riko Jacob, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler,
Stefan Schmid, and Hanjo Täubig.
9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN),
Oaxaca, Mexico, Springer LNCS 6034, April 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Poisoning the Kad Network
Thomas Locher, David Mysicka, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
11th International Conference on Distributed Computing and
Networking (ICDCN), Kolkata, India, Springer LNCS
5935, January 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Self-Stabilizing and Local
Delaunay Graph Construction
Riko Jacob, Stephan Ritscher, Christian Scheideler, and
Stefan Schmid.
20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC), Hawaii, USA, Springer LNCS 5878, December 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A DoS-Resilient Information System
for Dynamic Data Management
Matthias Baumgart, Christian Scheideler, and Stefan
21st ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and
Architectures (SPAA), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
A Polylogarithmic Time Algorithm for
Distributed Self-Stabilizing Skip Graphs
Riko Jacob, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan
Schmid, and Hanjo Täubig.
28th ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, August 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
A Distributed and Oblivious
Christian Scheideler and Stefan Schmid.
36th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and
Programming (ICALP), Rhodes, Greece, Springer LNCS 5556, July
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Speed Dating Despite Jammers
Dominic Meier, Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
5th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in
Sensor Systems (DCOSS), Marina Del Rey, California, USA,
Springer LNCS 5516, June 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Combinatorial Agency with
Raphael Eidenbenz and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE International Conference on Game Theory for Networks
(GameNets), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
On Mechanism Design Without
Payments for Throughput Maximization
Thomas Moscibroda and Stefan Schmid.
28th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Distributed Computation of the
Thomas Locher, Fabian Kuhn, and Stefan Schmid.
27th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing (PODC), Toronto, Canada, August 2008.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Tight Bounds for Delay-Sensitive
Yvonne Anne Oswald, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
27th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing (PODC), Toronto, Canada, August 2008.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
On the Windfall of Friendship:
Inoculation Strategies on Social Networks
Dominic Meier, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
9th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce (EC), Chicago,
Illinois, USA, July 2008.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Distributed Asymmetric
Verification in Computational Grids
Michael Kuhn, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium (IPDPS), Miami, Florida, USA, April 2008.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Structuring Unstructured Peer-to-Peer
Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer.
14th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance
Computing (HiPC), Goa, India, Springer LNCS 4873, December
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Manipulation in Games
Raphael Eidenbenz, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Stefan Schmid, and
Roger Wattenhofer.
18th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation
(ISAAC), Sendai, Japan, Springer LNCS 4835, December
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt,
techreport pdf, bibtex bib
Push-to-Pull Peer-to-Peer Live
Thomas Locher, Remo Meier, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
21st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC),
Lemesos, Cyprus, Springer LNCS 4731, September 2007.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Rescuing Tit-for-Tat with Source
Thomas Locher, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
7th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
(P2P), Galway, Ireland, September 2007.
Documents: paper pdf ps,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Mechanism Design by
Raphael Eidenbenz, Yvonne Anne Oswald, Stefan Schmid, and
Roger Wattenhofer.
1st International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization
and Applications (COCOA), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, Springer
LNCS 4616, August 2007.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
techreport pdf, bibtex bib
Dynamic Internet Congestion with
Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer.
13th Annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance
Computing (HiPC), Bangalore, India, Springer LNCS 4297,
December 2006.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Cryptree: A Folder Tree Structure for
Cryptographic File Systems
Dominik Grolimund, Luzius Meisser, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
25th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS),
Leeds, United Kingdom, October 2006.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
eQuus: A Provably Robust and
Locality-Aware Peer-to-Peer System
Thomas Locher, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
6th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing
(P2P), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2006.
Documents: paper pdf ps,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A TCP with Guaranteed Performance in
Networks with Dynamic Congestion and Random Wireless
Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer.
2nd Annual International Wireless Internet Conference
(WICON), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, August 2006.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
When Selfish Meets Evil: Byzantine
Players in a Virus Inoculation Game
Thomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
25th Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC), Denver, Colorado, USA, July 2006.
Documents: paper pdf ps, bibtex bib
On the Topologies Formed by Selfish
Thomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
25th Annual Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing
(PODC), Denver, Colorado, USA, July 2006.
Documents: paper pdf ps, bibtex bib
Parallel Compilation of CMS
Shaun Ashby, Giulio Eulisse, Stefan Schmid, and Lassi
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics Conference
(CHEP), Interlaken, Switzerland, September 2004.
Documents: paper pdf,
poster pdf, bibtex bib
Starlink Performance through the Edge Router Lens
Sarah-Michelle Hammer, Vamsi Addanki, Max Franke, and Stefan Schmid.
2nd ACM MobiCom Workshop on LEO Networking and Communication (LEO-NET), Washington D.C., USA, November 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Invited Paper: Blockchain Governance and Liquid Democracy – Quantifying
Decentralization in Gitcoin and Internet Computer
Stefan Schmid and Dmitry Shestakov.
ApPLIED Workshop at ACM PODC, Nantes, France, June 2024.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Comparison of Ethereum Smart Contract Analysis and Verification Methods
Vincent Happersberger, Frank-Walter Jaekel, Thomas Knothe, Yvonne-Anne Pignolet, and Stefan Schmid.
7th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology (CBT),
The Hague, The Netherlands, September 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
TCP's Third Eye: Leveraging eBPF for Telemetry-Powered Congestion Control
Jörn-Thorben Hinz, Vamsi Addanki, Csaba Györgyi, Theo Jepsen, and Stefan Schmid.
SIGCOMM Workshop on eBPF and Kernel Extensions (eBPF),
Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA, September 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Digital Twin-Empowered Resource Allocation for 6G-Enabled Massive IoT
Elif Bozkaya, Berk Canberk and Stefan Schmid.
Workshop on the Evolution of Digital Twin Paradigm in Wireless Communications,
Rome, Italy, May 2023.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
NetBOA: Self-Driving Network Benchmarking
Johannes Zerwas, Patrick Kalmbach, Laurenz Henkel, Gabor Retvari,
Wolfgang Kellerer, Andreas Blenk, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI),
Beijing, China, August 2019.
Artefact Evaluation: Functional.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Runtime Verification of P4 Switches with Reinforcement Learning (Best Paper Award)
Apoorv Shukla, Kevin Nico Hudemann, Artur Hecker, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network Meets AI & ML (NetAI),
Beijing, China, August 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Toward Consistent State Management of Adaptive Programmable
Networks Based on P4
Mu He, Andreas Blenk, Stefan Schmid, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies (NEAT),
Beijing, China, August 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
NetSlicer: Automated and Traffic-Pattern Based Application
Clustering in Datacenters
Liron Schiff, Ofri Ziv, Manfred Jaeger, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks (Big-DAMA),
Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Supporting Emerging Applications With Low-Latency Failover in
Roshan Sedar, Michael Borokhovich, Marco Chiesa,
Gianni Antichi, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies (NEAT),
Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Virtual Network Isolation: Are We There Yet?
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Gabor Retvari, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Security in Softwarized Networks: Prospects and Challenges (SecSon),
Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Empowering Self-Driving Networks
Patrick Kalmbach, Johannes Zerwas, Peter Babarczi,
Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Self-Driving Networks (SDN),
Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Fast and Efficient Network Service Embedding Method with Adaptive Offloading to the Edge
Balazs Nemeth, Mark Szalay, Janos Doka, Matthias Rost, Stefan Schmid, Laszlo Toka, and Balazs Sonkoly.
IEEE INFOCOM Workshop on Integrating Edge Computing, Caching, and Offloading in Next Generation Networks,
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
The vAMP Attack: Taking Control of Cloud Systems via the
Unified Packet Parser
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Bhargava Shastry, Tobias Fiebig, Felicitas Hetzelt, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Anja Feldmann, and Stefan Schmid.
9th ACM Cloud Computing Security Workshop (CCSW), collocated with ACM CCS,
Dallas, Texas, USA, November 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Algorithm-Data Driven Optimization of Adaptive Communication Networks
Mu He, Patrick Kalmbach, Andreas Blenk, Stefan Schmid, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
IEEE ICNP Workshop on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Computer Networks, Toronto, Canada, October 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
A Walk in the Clouds: Routing through VNFs on Bidirected Networks
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Mahmoud Parham, and Stefan Schmid.
3rd International Workshop on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing (ALGOCLOUD),
collocated with ESA,
Vienna, Austria, September 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
o'zapft is: Tap Your Network Algorithm's Big Data!
Andreas Blenk, Patrick Kalmbach, Stefan Schmid, and Wolfgang Kellerer.
ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks (Big-DAMA), Los Angeles, California, USA, August 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
The Grand CRU Challenge
Marcel Blöcher, Malte Viering, Stefan Schmid, and Patrick Eugster.
ACM SIGCOMM 2017 International Workshop on Hot Topics in Container Networking and Networked Systems (HotConNet), Los Angeles, California, USA, August 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
SecuSpot: Toward Cloud-Assisted Secure Multi-Tenant WiFi
HotSpot Infrastructures (Best Paper Award)
Julius Schulz-Zander, Raphael Lisicki, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
ACM CoNEXT Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking (CAN),
Irvine, California, USA, December 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
WNetKAT: Programming and Verifying Weighted Software-Defined Networks
Kim G. Larsen, Stefan Schmid, and Bingtian Xue.
28th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT), Rold Storkro (North Jutland), Denmark, October 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Efficient Service Graph Embedding: A Practical Approach
Balazs Nemeth, Balazs Sonkoly, Matthias Rost, and Stefan Schmid.
Palo Alto, California, USA, November 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
LegoFi the WiFi Building Blocks! The Case for a Modular WiFi Architecture
Julius Schulz-Zander, Stefan Schmid, James Kempf, Roberto Riggio, and Anja Feldmann.
ACM MOBICOM Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch),
New York City, New York, USA, October 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Ground Control to Major Faults: Towards a Fault
Tolerant and Adaptive SDN Control Network
Liron Schiff, Stefan Schmid, and Marco Canini.
IEEE/IFIP DSN Workshop on Dependability Issues on SDN and NFV (DISN),
Toulouse, France, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Routing-Verification-as-a-Service (RVaaS):
Trustworthy Routing Despite Insecure Providers
Liron Schiff, Kashyap Thimmaraju, and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE/IFIP DSN Workshop on Dependability Issues on SDN and NFV (DISN),
Toulouse, France, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
NetCo: Reliable Routing With Unreliable Routers
Anja Feldmann, Philipp Heyder, Michael Kreutzer, Stefan Schmid, Jean-Pierre Seifert, Haya Shulman, Kashyap Thimmaraju, Michael Waidner,
and Jens Sieberg.
IEEE/IFIP DSN Workshop on Dependability Issues on SDN and NFV (DISN),
Toulouse, France, June 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
PRI: Privacy Preserving Inspection of Encrypted Network Traffic
Liron Schiff and Stefan Schmid.
IEEE Security&Privacy Workshop on Research for Insider Threats (WRIT), San Jose, California, USA, May 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf,
youtube mov, bibtex bib
Distributed Cloud Market: Who Benefits from Specification Flexibilities?
Arne Ludwig and Stefan Schmid.
3rd SIGMETRICS Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing (DCC), Portland, Oregon, USA,
June 2015.
Special Issue of the ACM Performance Evaluation Review (PER), December 2015.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Reclaiming the Brain: Useful OpenFlow Functions in the Data Plane
Liron Schiff, Michael Borokhovich, and Stefan Schmid.
13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), Los Angeles, California, USA, October 2014.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Good Network Updates for Bad Packets:
Waypoint Enforcement Beyond Destination-Based Routing Policies
Arne Ludwig, Matthias Rost, Damien Foucard, and Stefan Schmid.
13th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), Los Angeles, California, USA, October 2014.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
data tar, bibtex bib
Towards Unified Programmability of
Cloud and Carrier Infrastructure
Pontus Skoldstrom, Balazs Sonkoly, Mario Kind, Fritz-Joachim Westphal, Wolfgang John, Jokin Garay, Eduardo Jacob, Janos Elek, David Jocha, Robert Szabo, Wouter Tavernier, George Agapiou, Antonio Manzalini, Matthias Rost, Nadi Sarrar, and Stefan Schmid.
European Workshop on Software Defined Networking (EWSDN), Budapest, Hungary, September 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Provable Data Plane Connectivity with Local Fast Failover: Introducing OpenFlow Graph Algorithms
Michael Borokhovich, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Modeling and Measuring Graph Similarity: The Case for Centrality Distance
Matthieu Roy, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
10th ACM International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (FOMC), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, August 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Urban Mobility Scaling: Lessons from Little Data
Galen Wilkerson, Ramin Khalili, and Stefan Schmid.
6th IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks (NetSciCom), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Exploiting Locality in Distributed SDN Control
Stefan Schmid and Jukka Suomela.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN), Hong Kong, China, August 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Software Transactional Networking:
Concurrent and Consistent Policy Composition
Marco Canini, Petr Kuznetsov, Dan Levin, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN), Hong Kong, China, August 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Towards Jamming-Resistant and Competitive Medium
Access in the SINR Model
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
3rd Annual ACM s3 Workshop, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, September 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
On the Benefit of Virtualization:
Strategies for Flexible Server Allocation
Dushyant Arora, Anja Feldmann, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan
USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Management of Internet,
Cloud, and Enterprise Networks and Services (Hot-ICE),
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 2011.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, tech
report pdf, bibtex bib
Competitive Analysis for Service
Migration in VNets
Marcin Bienkowski, Anja Feldmann, Dan Jurca, Wolfgang
Kellerer, Gregor Schaffrath, Stefan Schmid, and Joerg
2nd ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Virtualized Infrastructure
Systems and Architectures (VISA), New Delhi, India, September
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Invited Paper: Robust Architectures
for Open Distributed Systems and Topological
Self-Stabilization (Invited Paper)
Stefan Schmid.
3rd ACM SIGOPS/SIGACT Workshop on Reliability, Availability,
and Security (WRAS), Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Online Function Tracking with
Generalized Penalties
Marcin Bienkowski and Stefan Schmid.
12th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory
(SWAT), Bergen, Norway, Springer LNCS 6139, June 2010.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Peer Activity Study in eDonkey
& Kad (Invited Paper)
Thomas Locher, David Mysicka, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
International Workshop on Dynamic Networks: Algorithms and
Security (DYNAS), Wroclaw, Poland, September 2009.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
Robust Live Media Streaming in
Thomas Locher, Remo Meier, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
19th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems
Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), Williamsburg,
Virginia, USA, June 2009.
Documents: paper pdf, bibtex bib
Distributed Disaster
Bernard Mans, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
11th Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory (SWAT),
Gothenburg, Sweden, Springer LNCS 5124, July 2008.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Free Riding in BitTorrent is
Thomas Locher, Patrick Moor, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), Irvine,
California, USA, November 2006.
Documents: paper pdf ps,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Blueprint for Constructing
Peer-to-Peer Systems Robust to Dynamic Worst-Case Joins and
Fabian Kuhn, Stefan Schmid, Joest Smit, and Roger
14th IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service
(IWQoS), Yale University, New Haven, Connectitut, USA, June
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Havelaar: A Robust and Efficient
Reputation System for Active Peer-to-Peer Systems
Dominik Grolimund, Luzius Meisser, Stefan Schmid, and Roger
1st Workshop on the Economics of Networked Systems (NetEcon),
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, June
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Algorithmic Models for Sensor
Networks (Invited Paper)
Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer.
14th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Real-Time Systems (WPDRTS), Island of Rhodes, Greece, April
Documents: paper pdf ps, slides ppt, bibtex bib
On the Topologies Formed by
Selfish Peers
Thomas Moscibroda, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
5th International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS),
Santa Barbara, California, USA, February 2006.
Documents: paper pdf ps,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
A Robust Interference Model for
Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Pascal von Rickenbach, Stefan Schmid, Roger Wattenhofer, and
Aaron Zollinger.
5th International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless,
Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN), Denver, Colorado,
USA, April 2005.
Documents: paper pdf ps,
slides pdf, bibtex bib
A Self-Repairing Peer-to-Peer System
Resilient to Dynamic Adversarial Churn
Fabian Kuhn, Stefan Schmid, and Roger Wattenhofer.
4th International Workshop on Peer-To-Peer Systems (IPTPS),
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, Springer LNCS
3640, February 2005.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides ppt, bibtex bib
Das Internet von Heute und Morgen
Anja Feldmann, Ariane Gintzel, Philipp Schmidt, Dan Levin, Stefan Schmid, Nadi Sarrar, and Rainer May.
NMI Future Internet, July 2012.
Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing (Ed.: David Padua)
Chapter "Peer-to-Peer" (Stefan Schmid and Roger
ISBN: 978-0-387-09765-7
(c) Springer, 2011
Algorithms and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks
(Ed.: Azzedine Boukerche)
Chapter 4: "Modeling Sensor
Networks" (Stefan Schmid and Roger Wattenhofer)
ISBN-10: 0471798134
(c) John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Brief Announcement: On Self-Adjusting Skip List Networks
Chen Avin, Iosif Salem, and Stefan Schmid.
33rd International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Budapest, Hungary, October 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
Brief Announcement: Does Preprocessing Help under Congestion?
Klaus-Tycho Foerster, Janne Korhonen, Joel Rybicki, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), Toronto, Ontario, Canada,
July 2019.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf,
bibtex bib
Self-Adjusting Line Networks (Short Paper)
Ingo van Duijn, Stefan Schmid, and Chen Avin.
26th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO),
L'Aquila, Italy, July 2019.
Documents: paper pdf
The Complexity of Network Traffic Traces (Poster)
Chen Griner, Chen Avin, Manya Ghobadi, and Stefan Schmid.
5th Annual New England Network and Systems Day, Cambridge, USA, April 2019.
Documents: poster pdf,
bibtex bib
Policy Injection: A Cloud Dataplane DoS Attack
Levente Csikor, Christian Rothenberg, Dimitrios P. Pezaros, Stefan Schmid, Laszlo Toka, and Gabor Retvari.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Demo Paper, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Perfbench: A Tool for Predictability Analysis in
Multi-Tenant Software-Defined Networks
Andreas Blenk, Arsany Basta, Laurenz Henkel, Johannes Zerwas,
Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Poster Paper, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Modeling IP-to-IP Communication using the Weighted Stochastic Block Model
Patrick Kalmbach, Lion Gleiter, Johannes Zerwas, Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Poster Paper, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Fast Reroute in P4: Keep Calm and Enjoy Programmability
Roshan Sedar, Michael Borokhovich, Marco Chiesa,
Gianni Antichi, and Stefan Schmid.
P4 Workshop,
Stanford University, June 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Approximate Graph Embeddings in the Cloud
Matthias Rost and Stefan Schmid.
Highlights of Algorithms (HALG), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 2018.
Documents: poster pdf
Themis: A Data-Driven Approach to Bot Detection (Short Abstract)
Patrick Kalmbach, Andreas Blenk, Wolfgang Kellerer, and Stefan Schmid.
37th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM),
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 2018.
Documents: paper pdf,
bibtex bib
Evacuating Two Robots from Two Unknown Exits on the Perimeter of a Disk
Debasish Pattanayak, H. Ramesh, Partha Sarathi Mandal, and Stefan Schmid.
19th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN),
Varanasi, India, January 2018.
Documents: paper pdf
Brief Announcement: Distributed SplayNets
Bruna Peres, Olga Goussevskaia, Stefan Schmid, and Chen Avin.
31st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Vienna, Austria, October 2017.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
A Self-Organizing Distributed and
In-Band SDN Control Plane (Poster Paper)
Marco Canini, Iosif Salem, Liron Schiff, Elad M. Schiller, and Stefan Schmid.
37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, June 2017.
Documents: paper pdf
Algorithms for Consistent Flow Rerouting (Poster)
Stefan Schmid.
Highlights of Algorithms (HALG), Berlin, Germany, June 2017.
Documents: poster pdf
Towards Meticulous Data Plane Monitoring (Poster Paper)
Apoorv Shukla, Said Jawad Saidi, Stefan Schmid, Marco Canini, and Anja Feldmann.
EuroSys PhD Forum, Belgrade, Serbia, April 2017.
Documents: poster pdf
Software-Defined Adversarial Trajectory Sampling (Poster)
Kashyap Thimmaraju, Liron Schiff, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SOSR, Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2017.
Documents: poster pdf
Towards Transiently Secure Updates in
Asynchronous SDNs
Apoorv Shukla, André Schütze, Arne Ludwig, Szymon Dudycz, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
ACM SIGCOMM Demo, Florianópolis, Brazil,
August 2016. (Also presented at ETSI Workshop: From Research To Standardization, Sophia Antipolis, Paris, May 2016.)
Documents: paper pdf, code link (travel grant Apoorv)
Brief Announcement: A Log★-Time Local MDS Approximation Scheme
for Bounded Genus Graphs
Saeed Akhoondian Amiri and Stefan Schmid.
30th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Paris, France, September 2016.
Documents: paper pdf, slides pdf, bibtex bib
Large Cuts With Local Algorithms on Triangle-free Graphs (Poster)
Juho Hirvonen, Joel Rybicki, Stefan Schmid, and Jukka Suomela.
29th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Tokyo, Japan, October 2015.
Documents: paper pdf
Programming the Home and Enterprise WiFi with OpenSDWN
Julius Schulz-Zander, Carlos Mayer, Bogdan Ciobotaru, Stefan Schmid, Anja Feldmann, and Roberto Riggio.
ACM SIGCOMM Demo, London, UK,
August 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, poster pdf
Medieval: Towards A Self-Stabilizing, Plug & Play, In-Band SDN Control Network (Poster Paper)
Liron Schiff, Stefan Schmid, and Marco Canini.
ACM Sigcomm Symposium on SDN Research (SOSR), Santa Clara, California, USA,
June 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, poster pdf
Kraken: Towards Elastic Performance Guarantees in Multi-tenant Data Centers (Poster Paper)
Carlo Fuerst, Stefan Schmid, Lalith Suresh, and Paolo Costa.
ACM SIGMETRICS, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2015.
Documents: paper pdf, poster pdf
Investigating the Potential of the Inter-IXP Multigraph for
the Provisioning of Guaranteed End-to-End Services (Poster Paper)
Vasileios Kotronis, Rowan Klöti, Matthias Rost, Panagiotis Georgopoulos, Bernhard Ager, Stefan Schmid, and Xenofontas Dimitropoulos.
ACM SIGMETRICS, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2015.
Documents: paper pdf
Toward a Scalable and Near-Sighted Control Plane Architecture for WiFi SDNs (Poster)
Julius Schulz-Zander, Nadi Sarrar, and Stefan Schmid.
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN), Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2014.
Documents: paper pdf
STN: A Robust and Distributed SDN Control Plane (Poster)
Marco Canini, Daniele De Cicco, Petr Kuznetsov, Dan Levin, Stefan Schmid, and Stefano Vissicchio.
Open Networking Summit (ONS), Conference Research Track, Santa Clara, California, USA, March 2014.
Documents: paper pdf, poster pdf
Strategies for Traffic-Aware VM Migration (Poster Paper)
Chen Avin, Omer Dunay, and Stefan Schmid.
6th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Dresden, Germany, December 2013.
Documents: paper pdf, poster pdf
Brief Announcement: Towards Distributed and Reliable
Software Defined Networking
Marco Canini, Petr Kuznetsov, Dan Levin, and Stefan Schmid.
27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Jerusalem, Israel, October 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Brief Announcement: Dynamic Forwarding Table Aggregation without Update Churn: The Case of Dependent Prefixes
Marcin Bienkowski, Nadi Sarrar, Stefan Schmid, and Steve Uhlig.
27th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Jerusalem, Israel, October 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
OBST: A Self-Adjusting Peer-to-Peer Overlay Based on Multiple BSTs (Short Paper)
Chen Avin, Michael Borokhovich, and Stefan Schmid.
13th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), Trento, Italy, September 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Incremental SDN Deployment in Enterprise Networks
Dan Levin, Marco Canini, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
Open Networking Summit (ONS Demo), Santa Clara, California, USA, April 2013.
Other demos, e.g.:
1. SIGCOMM Demo (Dan wins the ACM SIGCOMM'13 Student Research Competition), Hong Kong, 2013.
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review (CCR), 43/4, 2013 [pdf]
Move-with-the-Sun or Move-with-the-Moon? Wide-Area CloudNet Migrations Under Latency and Resource Constraints
Johannes Grassler, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
Demo at 32nd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM Demo), Turin, Italy, April 2013.
Documents: paper pdf,
poster pdf
A Federated CloudNet Architecture: The PIP and the VNP Role (Invited Paper)
Johannes Grassler, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
Information Technology (IT), Special Issue "Internet Challenges", Issue 4, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2013.
Documents: paper pdf, link publisher, slides pdf
On the Benefit of Collocation
in Virtual Network Embeddings (Short Paper)
Carlo Fuerst, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
1st IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking
(CLOUDNET), Paris, France, November 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
poster pdf
The Price of Specificity in the Age of Network Virtualization (Short Paper)
Arne Ludwig, Stefan Schmid, and Anja Feldmann.
5th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Chicago, Illinois, USA, November 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Brief Announcement: SplayNets (Towards Self-Adjusting Distributed Data Structures)
Stefan Schmid, Chen Avin, Christian Scheideler, Bernhard Haeupler, and Zvi Lotker.
26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Salvador, Brazil, Springer LNCS 7611, October 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Brief Announcement: Do VNet Embeddings Reveal ISP Topology?
Yvonne Anne Pignolet, Stefan Schmid, and Gilles Tredan.
26th International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), Salvador, Brazil, Springer LNCS 7611, October 2012.
Documents: paper pdf,
slides pdf
Poster: Impact of FIB Aggregation on Traffic Offloading
Nadi Sarrar, Stefan Schmid, Steve Uhlig, and Anja Feldmann.
9th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), San Jose, California, April 2012.
Documents: poster abstract pdf
CloudNets: Combining
Clouds with Networking
Anja Feldmann, Gregor Schaffrath, and Stefan Schmid.
ERCIM News, (88):56–57, January 2012.
Documents: article pdf,
pitch pdf
Brief Announcement: Towards Robust
Medium Access in Multi-Hop Networks
Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler, Stefan Schmid, and Jin
29th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed
Computing (PODC), Zurich, Switzerland, July 2010.
Documents: paper pdf
Brief Announcement: On the Time
Complexity of Distributed Topological Self-Stabilization
Dominik Gall, Riko Jacob, Andrea Richa, Christian Scheideler,
Stefan Schmid, and Hanjo Täubig.
11th International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and
Security of Distributed Systems (SSS), Lyon, France, Springer
LNCS 5873, November 2009.
Documents: paper pdf
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